Tuesday, April 15, 2014

Since You Asked! Episode 7: Alaska Seafood Marketing Institute

Librarian Julie Niederhauser speaks with Tyson Fink about the Alaska Seafood Marketing Industry. Tyson serves as the Communications Director of ASMI, which partners with the State of Alaska.

Listen to Podcast (.mp3)
21 minutes ]
Recorded on December 16, 2013

Learn more about the Alaska Seafood Marketing Institute:

Tuesday, April 1, 2014

Since You Asked! Episode 6: Book Review of Computer Security Literacy: Staying Safe in a Digital World

Digital Librarian Daniel Cornwall reviews the book Computer Security Literacy: Staying Safe in a Digital World by Douglas Jacobson and Joseph Idziorek. Daniel provides an overview of the book's content along with a favorable review. The podcast closes with three computer security tips taken from the book.

Listen to Podcast (.mp3)
[ 12 minutes ]
Recorded on January 15, 2014

Table of Contents, as promised in the podcast:

  1. What Is Information Security?
  2. Introducation to Computers and the Internet
  3. Passwords under Attack
  4. Email Security
  5. Malware: The Dark Side of Software
  6. Malware: Defense in Depth
  7. Securely Surfing the World Wide Web
  8. Online Shopping
  9. Wireless Internet Security
  10. Social Networking
  11. Social Engineering: Phishing for Suckers
  12. Staying Safe Online: The Human Threat
  13. Case Studies
  14. Moving Forward with Security and Book Summary
Appendix A: Reading List
Appendix B: Basics of Cryptography
Appendix C: Web Surfing Security Technologies

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